Wonder what other people are saying about Sunveil Sunwear’s UV-protective clothing and accessories? These comments are 100% genuine testimonials that we have received over the years from sun-smart customers wanting to tell us about their experiences with our sun-block cover-ups, thank us for helping them to enjoy life in the sun safely, and to share some of their own tips about sun safety.
“I'm a big fan of that material and recommend it to anyone interested. My dermatologist thinks it’s more effective than sunscreen. I live on a farm and spending time in the sun is just a part of life” --Mary U.
“I have been wearing the Optimo hat, bought over 10 years ago at a Garden Shop here in Edmonton. The hat has been in my golf bag, in my luggage, in my back pack, but usually hangs at the back door most of the time, ready to pop on my head when I go out for a walk or to tend the garden [… ] I like the chin cord for windy days and the light mesh weightlessness of the fabric. I have quite sensitive skin, prone to Rosacea, but I feel confident in the sun with sunscreen and the Optimo hat.” --Dawn C

“We were in Australia for holidays and wore your great clothes. But what was really a surprise was how the stroller cover helped our little baby girl. We were outside one afternoon in the hot sun, and the UV index that day was a very high 10. Now I have to admit that I was a bit scared that she might not fare so well. Well, when we were back home, she was still smiling, all white and unblemished and not a speck of burn! You’ve made a believer out of all of us. Thank you for the magic of Sunveil.” --Robert C. and family
“To begin, I’d like to congratulate you on manufacturing such a superior line of clothing. Your products are fashionable, durable, and they offer unprecedented sun protection […] keep up the great work. Your clothing offers people like myself an opportunity to lead normal lives and enjoy the great outdoors without worrying about the damaging effects of the sun… thank you!” --Crystal D.
“Two years ago, I purchased a Sunsmock for my first baby, and used it countless times – getting good comments from people all the time. It kept my baby cool and safe – no worries about missing body parts with sunscreen! My little one has no problems wearing it, and I know it protected her so well. I even used it as a makeshift blanket for her little legs in the stroller on hot days – perfect!” --Shirley Hooker
"Sunveil Sunwear has tremendous appeal to people who have conditions that are aggravated by sun, such as lupus. There are 50,000 Canadians suffering from lupus, and 70% of them are photosensitive. Some of these people have written to us that ‘Sunveil Sunwear is the best thing to come along for lupus people, since sunscreens became available in the 1970’s.’” --Anne M.
“I recently went tubing down a canal in full blazing sun for 2 ½ hours with my family. I wore […] my Sunveil jacket and pants. My family got burnt; I didn’t! Thanks! It is so great that I can participate in these kinds of water activities!” --Leslee S.
To share a comment or testimonial of your own, please visit our contact page to find out how you can get in touch with us.